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By Rinto Kogoya
This paper is dedicated to the people of Papua. And reflection for the people and the resistance organizations in Papua which aspires to the National People's Liberation and the nation of Papua from Indonesian Repression by Colonialism, Imperialism and Militarism
The situation in Papua today are faced with many problems in various facets of life both from the political and economic aspects of social and cultural development is inseparable from the history of the Papuan People's life. If we listen to how the initial idea of the establishment of the Papuan Papuan intellectuals in the 1960s they would have an aspiration that the Papuan People can build a nation and soil water with a better, more democratic, more just and more humane and more prosperous in the country.
Although we can not find a record of the history of the formulation of the desired state of the initiators of the Papua People, but their desire to liberate the people and establish a state is a form of noble ideals because wants His people free from an occupation. One idea of the Congress Resolution Nederland Nieuw Guinea Raad (Council Niuew Guinea) on October 19, 1961, which has significance for the People of Papua today is the motto of One People One Soul which means One People One Soul. This motto defines the unity of the people of Papua diverse love, language, customs and traditions of its economic life.
However, we know the joint where Indonesia led by Sukarno selfish and arrogant has launched an effort to thwart the birth of the state of West Papua. Which after the declaration of independence of West Papuans December 1, 1961, then on December 19, 1961 Indonesia through Soekarno proclaimed TRIKORA. That was followed by the military and the military mobilization for control of Papua from the Dutch. By reason liberate Papua from Dutch colonial rule.
Of course it is not realized Sukarno was the idea of forming a pristine state of West Papua is the will of the People of Papua Papua spearheaded by intellectuals at that time, including N. Jouwe, MW Kaisepo, P. Torei, M.B. Ramandey, U.S. Onim, N. Tanggahma, F. Poana and Abdullah Arfan.
Since TRIKORA December 19, 1961 and the delivery of government interim UN administration (UNTEA) to Indonesia on May 1, 1963. Indonesia has always used the military (military-police) as a shield to face resistance Papuan People who do not require the presence of Indonesia.
Until now, we can see for themselves how the marginalization of the Papuan People's happening economically in front of our eyes, how the behavior of the Indonesian military against Papuan People, how customary land used as land investment company owned Imperialist countries, how the high mortality in Papua, especially the death of Mother and Child, how jobs are there only civil servants and labor-owned enterprises Imperialist countries, how the lack of teachers and educational infrastructure in remote areas and many other issues that are being shackled Papuan People today.
Such things happen throughout Papua and will still be maintained, for the purpose of control over Papua. So that is the reason rational Indonesia welfare to the turmoil of conflict in Papua is in fact related to the Identity of a people who want to liberate themselves.
Terbelenggunya Papuan People in an occupation, oppression and discrimination because we are faced with a common enemy of the whole people of Papua which inhibit the pace of progress and development of the Papuan People's lives. Here, we will be listening in general how the three enemies of the Papuan People keep trying to stick his paws in the Land of Papua. And how the people of Papua can be free from the death grip of the deadly Indonesian whose name Colonialism, Imperialism, and Militarism.
colonialism Indonesia
Definition of Colonialism is the policy and practice of strength in extending control over weaker peoples or areas. Colonialism always had an arrogant and expansionist nature. The main aim of colonialism was to drain the source of wealth, while the welfare and education of the people of the colonies, was secondary.
Indonesian colonialism in West Papua began when their military infasi TRIKORA to Papua since 1961 with the establishment of the Mandala Command to launch an operation led by Lt. Mandala. Suharto. It aims to expand (expansion territory) of Indonesia. This is done based on a claim that is not logical and unilateral of Sukarno, Indonesia that long before birth, Papua was part of the kingdom of Majapahit and several other claims.
In fact the only Bundara Conference Tables include the Dutch East Indies (includes Sabang to Amboina) not of said Niew Nederland Guinea (West Papua). However, because Indonesia is stubborn about to take control of Papua, and the Netherlands are experiencing economic recession due to the war, on May 1, 1963 the transfer of power from the UN interim administration, UNTEA to Indonesia. Indonesia, which is present in Papua by reason of preparing the implementation of the Right to Self-Determination in accordance Treaty of New York, in fact, re-engineer them into an Act (Act of). Surely we can be sure how the process and the results.
In addition to the bureaucratic, political and military systems, policies such as Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy Law Expansion Areas, and other policies UP4B just an attempt to maintain a fixed Papua under Indonesian rule. Similarly, the Dutch were issued policy Ethical Policy (Transmigration, Irrigation and Education) to the people of Indonesia. But the Dutch have benefited immensely from the ethical policies issued.
Until now, to run and maintain his control over the colonization of Papua, machine bureaucracy, the political system such as the election and the military (military-police) used to legitimize the existence of Indonesia in Papua. Bureaucracy is an Indonesian legal machinery to make parts of the Republic of Indonesia and Papua, the military is a tool that is used to maintain the reactionary Papua matter what. And the political system such as the election to show that the Papuan People adhere to the political system that took place in Indonesia. Same thing as he had done the Netherlands to Indonesia and Papua, again conducted by Indonesia against the Papuan people.
While Indonesia, not present in Papua as the sole occupiers, serving his Indonesian is Imperialists. Indonesia only get reciprocation of his form of taxes and royalties. This reciprocation of Indonesia-related services with the faithful keeping operations Inperialis-owned companies such as Freeport, BP, LNG and others remain ekploitasinya activities safely and smoothly. Thus, what is worthy of Papuans live together with Babu state like Indonesia? So do not be surprised if we meet with the term like Puppet Regime, Regime Antek, etc.
It is clear then, that any policy implemented in Papua by the Indonesian goal is not to build the Papuans but open access for the imperialists to exploit the natural resources in Papua. And Papua became a cash cow that each produce a lot of milk to Indonesia and master Imperislisme promoted.
Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism or monopoly capitalism. Being understood that capitalism is believed that the owners of capital can do business for profit as much as possible. Imperialism or monopoly capitalism not only suck the workers but also master the areas producing raw materials for Its Industry indirectly.
Imperialism presence in Papua begins with the signing of the Contract of Work Freeport owned by American Imperialists Suharto government in 1967. The presence of Freeport has ignored the democratic rights of the Papuan People's independence as a state. Imperialism interests over Papua in accordance with their characteristics are:
1. Concentration of production and capital so that creates a monopoly which plays an important role in the life of a monopoly. That is, the concentration of production is only based on the capitalist state. They also dominate the market by setting prices.
2. Perbaduan between bank capital and industrial capital base calling menciptakn finance capital. Example: World Bank, IMF. Banks will not just lend to a country. He expects no returns of a country, and hope to get a guarantee. From permutran capital and money, it will go back to the capitalists themselves.
3. Export of capital is different from commodity exports. Meaning: They just will export capital to other countries so that they provide the materials for their commodities.
4. The formation of international monopoly capitalism and the division of the world between them.
5. The division of territories around the world among the major capitalist powers has been completed. Example: American master through the mountainous central Papua Freeport, English with Chinese share the head of birds of Papua through BP and Tangguh LNG, Korea in the south of Papua through Corindo and Medco and friends.
From the description of the characteristics of Imperialism, show that Papua is currently in the grip of imperialist countries. This is indicated by the inclusion of various companies scale Multi National Corporation (MNC) such as BP in Bintuni and LNG in South Sorong and the opening of such large-scale plantations in Maroke MIFEE and Corindo and Medco that existed long before. In order to secure the sustainability of the exploitation activity Imperialist-owned companies, the military (military-police) always used to drive the customary opposition People.
In fact, the existence of these companies can not be the welfare of the whole people of Papua, amounting to approximately three million people.
Militarism is a government based on the guarantee of security lies in its military strength and claims that the development and maintenance of the military to ensure the interests of the community. Militarism has a fundamental nature that is repressive and reactionary.
The existence of militarism in Papua has been started with the entry of the Dutch colonizers, then reactionary nature emerged when Indonesian presence in Papua. Indonesian military in Papua after the start action TRIKORA December 19, 1961 with a call to mobilize the common people of Indonesia to free West Papua from the Dutch by Sukarno. He said freeing but the fact today is being invaded.
Indonesia through its military power through the application of the first military operation policies namely Operation Mandala 1961 and various other operations to terror, intimidation, pursuit, pemenjarahan, rape, murder, arson and village public facilities, and other military crimes. In addition, the Military Operation Area (DOM) through Operation Koteka in 1970, the Papua People are forced to wear an Indonesian style made of cloth.
As a result of military operation many West Papuans who have been the victims. It can be seen from the Amnesty International report which suggests that there has been the destruction of more than 100 thousand people of West Papua as a result of Indonesian military violence.
Action militarism continues to occur in Papua to date in the reform era in Indonesia and made to defend the interests of Indonesian rule in Papua and protect the interests of state-owned industrial capitalist-imperialist countries to exploit the natural resources of Papua.
way out
Certainly not easy to fight the system that have long suck, oppress and colonize the people of Papua to immediately withdraw from Papua. Need unity among the people through organizations or factions existing Papuan people's resistance with a resolute struggle program and shared awareness of who the true enemy of the people of Papua. How all efforts are focused on the unity of the struggle of the agreed program and run together. Klaimisme eliminate ego and attitude is absolutely necessary to achieve our goals.
Fighting for the Right to Self-Determination (The Right to Self-Determination) for the people of Papua is the only democratic solution bid in Papua conflict resolution as a step to determine the attitude of the Papuan people live, what remain with Indonesia or independence itself. Through international mechanism known as Referendum. And must be fought continuously by the entire organization in a synergistic Papuan people's resistance in both the beloved country Papua, Indonesia and the international community to the ideals of the Papuan People's Liberation True materialize. And the better future can be enjoyed by future generations of Papua.
What I have described above is a general view of the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) which has a resistance platform Indonesian Anti-Colonialism, Anti-Imperialism and Anti-Militarism. Derivatives in the program so that the struggle is the fight for the Right to Self-Determination (The Right to Self-Determination) for the people of Papua as a condition for the existence of democracy to the people of Papua, Close all imperialist activities of the company-owned; Freeport, BP, LNG, Medco, Corindo etc due to the fact just suck, and Pull Military (TNI-Police) Organic-inorganic from the Land of Papua as the source of human rights violations against the people of Papua.
Long live the Papuan People! Long live the Papuan Women! Long live the Papuan Students! Long live all over the Papuan People!
Keep the spirit of Greetings!
The author is Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of AMP (AMP KPP coriander)
Subject Matter of The Papua, and the solutions
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Ketum KPP AMP Rinto Kogoya |
This paper is dedicated to the people of Papua. And reflection for the people and the resistance organizations in Papua which aspires to the National People's Liberation and the nation of Papua from Indonesian Repression by Colonialism, Imperialism and Militarism
The situation in Papua today are faced with many problems in various facets of life both from the political and economic aspects of social and cultural development is inseparable from the history of the Papuan People's life. If we listen to how the initial idea of the establishment of the Papuan Papuan intellectuals in the 1960s they would have an aspiration that the Papuan People can build a nation and soil water with a better, more democratic, more just and more humane and more prosperous in the country.
Although we can not find a record of the history of the formulation of the desired state of the initiators of the Papua People, but their desire to liberate the people and establish a state is a form of noble ideals because wants His people free from an occupation. One idea of the Congress Resolution Nederland Nieuw Guinea Raad (Council Niuew Guinea) on October 19, 1961, which has significance for the People of Papua today is the motto of One People One Soul which means One People One Soul. This motto defines the unity of the people of Papua diverse love, language, customs and traditions of its economic life.
However, we know the joint where Indonesia led by Sukarno selfish and arrogant has launched an effort to thwart the birth of the state of West Papua. Which after the declaration of independence of West Papuans December 1, 1961, then on December 19, 1961 Indonesia through Soekarno proclaimed TRIKORA. That was followed by the military and the military mobilization for control of Papua from the Dutch. By reason liberate Papua from Dutch colonial rule.
Of course it is not realized Sukarno was the idea of forming a pristine state of West Papua is the will of the People of Papua Papua spearheaded by intellectuals at that time, including N. Jouwe, MW Kaisepo, P. Torei, M.B. Ramandey, U.S. Onim, N. Tanggahma, F. Poana and Abdullah Arfan.
Since TRIKORA December 19, 1961 and the delivery of government interim UN administration (UNTEA) to Indonesia on May 1, 1963. Indonesia has always used the military (military-police) as a shield to face resistance Papuan People who do not require the presence of Indonesia.
Until now, we can see for themselves how the marginalization of the Papuan People's happening economically in front of our eyes, how the behavior of the Indonesian military against Papuan People, how customary land used as land investment company owned Imperialist countries, how the high mortality in Papua, especially the death of Mother and Child, how jobs are there only civil servants and labor-owned enterprises Imperialist countries, how the lack of teachers and educational infrastructure in remote areas and many other issues that are being shackled Papuan People today.
Such things happen throughout Papua and will still be maintained, for the purpose of control over Papua. So that is the reason rational Indonesia welfare to the turmoil of conflict in Papua is in fact related to the Identity of a people who want to liberate themselves.
Terbelenggunya Papuan People in an occupation, oppression and discrimination because we are faced with a common enemy of the whole people of Papua which inhibit the pace of progress and development of the Papuan People's lives. Here, we will be listening in general how the three enemies of the Papuan People keep trying to stick his paws in the Land of Papua. And how the people of Papua can be free from the death grip of the deadly Indonesian whose name Colonialism, Imperialism, and Militarism.
colonialism Indonesia
Definition of Colonialism is the policy and practice of strength in extending control over weaker peoples or areas. Colonialism always had an arrogant and expansionist nature. The main aim of colonialism was to drain the source of wealth, while the welfare and education of the people of the colonies, was secondary.
Indonesian colonialism in West Papua began when their military infasi TRIKORA to Papua since 1961 with the establishment of the Mandala Command to launch an operation led by Lt. Mandala. Suharto. It aims to expand (expansion territory) of Indonesia. This is done based on a claim that is not logical and unilateral of Sukarno, Indonesia that long before birth, Papua was part of the kingdom of Majapahit and several other claims.
In fact the only Bundara Conference Tables include the Dutch East Indies (includes Sabang to Amboina) not of said Niew Nederland Guinea (West Papua). However, because Indonesia is stubborn about to take control of Papua, and the Netherlands are experiencing economic recession due to the war, on May 1, 1963 the transfer of power from the UN interim administration, UNTEA to Indonesia. Indonesia, which is present in Papua by reason of preparing the implementation of the Right to Self-Determination in accordance Treaty of New York, in fact, re-engineer them into an Act (Act of). Surely we can be sure how the process and the results.
In addition to the bureaucratic, political and military systems, policies such as Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy Law Expansion Areas, and other policies UP4B just an attempt to maintain a fixed Papua under Indonesian rule. Similarly, the Dutch were issued policy Ethical Policy (Transmigration, Irrigation and Education) to the people of Indonesia. But the Dutch have benefited immensely from the ethical policies issued.
Until now, to run and maintain his control over the colonization of Papua, machine bureaucracy, the political system such as the election and the military (military-police) used to legitimize the existence of Indonesia in Papua. Bureaucracy is an Indonesian legal machinery to make parts of the Republic of Indonesia and Papua, the military is a tool that is used to maintain the reactionary Papua matter what. And the political system such as the election to show that the Papuan People adhere to the political system that took place in Indonesia. Same thing as he had done the Netherlands to Indonesia and Papua, again conducted by Indonesia against the Papuan people.
While Indonesia, not present in Papua as the sole occupiers, serving his Indonesian is Imperialists. Indonesia only get reciprocation of his form of taxes and royalties. This reciprocation of Indonesia-related services with the faithful keeping operations Inperialis-owned companies such as Freeport, BP, LNG and others remain ekploitasinya activities safely and smoothly. Thus, what is worthy of Papuans live together with Babu state like Indonesia? So do not be surprised if we meet with the term like Puppet Regime, Regime Antek, etc.
It is clear then, that any policy implemented in Papua by the Indonesian goal is not to build the Papuans but open access for the imperialists to exploit the natural resources in Papua. And Papua became a cash cow that each produce a lot of milk to Indonesia and master Imperislisme promoted.
Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism or monopoly capitalism. Being understood that capitalism is believed that the owners of capital can do business for profit as much as possible. Imperialism or monopoly capitalism not only suck the workers but also master the areas producing raw materials for Its Industry indirectly.
Imperialism presence in Papua begins with the signing of the Contract of Work Freeport owned by American Imperialists Suharto government in 1967. The presence of Freeport has ignored the democratic rights of the Papuan People's independence as a state. Imperialism interests over Papua in accordance with their characteristics are:
1. Concentration of production and capital so that creates a monopoly which plays an important role in the life of a monopoly. That is, the concentration of production is only based on the capitalist state. They also dominate the market by setting prices.
2. Perbaduan between bank capital and industrial capital base calling menciptakn finance capital. Example: World Bank, IMF. Banks will not just lend to a country. He expects no returns of a country, and hope to get a guarantee. From permutran capital and money, it will go back to the capitalists themselves.
3. Export of capital is different from commodity exports. Meaning: They just will export capital to other countries so that they provide the materials for their commodities.
4. The formation of international monopoly capitalism and the division of the world between them.
5. The division of territories around the world among the major capitalist powers has been completed. Example: American master through the mountainous central Papua Freeport, English with Chinese share the head of birds of Papua through BP and Tangguh LNG, Korea in the south of Papua through Corindo and Medco and friends.
From the description of the characteristics of Imperialism, show that Papua is currently in the grip of imperialist countries. This is indicated by the inclusion of various companies scale Multi National Corporation (MNC) such as BP in Bintuni and LNG in South Sorong and the opening of such large-scale plantations in Maroke MIFEE and Corindo and Medco that existed long before. In order to secure the sustainability of the exploitation activity Imperialist-owned companies, the military (military-police) always used to drive the customary opposition People.
In fact, the existence of these companies can not be the welfare of the whole people of Papua, amounting to approximately three million people.
Militarism is a government based on the guarantee of security lies in its military strength and claims that the development and maintenance of the military to ensure the interests of the community. Militarism has a fundamental nature that is repressive and reactionary.
The existence of militarism in Papua has been started with the entry of the Dutch colonizers, then reactionary nature emerged when Indonesian presence in Papua. Indonesian military in Papua after the start action TRIKORA December 19, 1961 with a call to mobilize the common people of Indonesia to free West Papua from the Dutch by Sukarno. He said freeing but the fact today is being invaded.
Indonesia through its military power through the application of the first military operation policies namely Operation Mandala 1961 and various other operations to terror, intimidation, pursuit, pemenjarahan, rape, murder, arson and village public facilities, and other military crimes. In addition, the Military Operation Area (DOM) through Operation Koteka in 1970, the Papua People are forced to wear an Indonesian style made of cloth.
As a result of military operation many West Papuans who have been the victims. It can be seen from the Amnesty International report which suggests that there has been the destruction of more than 100 thousand people of West Papua as a result of Indonesian military violence.
Action militarism continues to occur in Papua to date in the reform era in Indonesia and made to defend the interests of Indonesian rule in Papua and protect the interests of state-owned industrial capitalist-imperialist countries to exploit the natural resources of Papua.
way out
Certainly not easy to fight the system that have long suck, oppress and colonize the people of Papua to immediately withdraw from Papua. Need unity among the people through organizations or factions existing Papuan people's resistance with a resolute struggle program and shared awareness of who the true enemy of the people of Papua. How all efforts are focused on the unity of the struggle of the agreed program and run together. Klaimisme eliminate ego and attitude is absolutely necessary to achieve our goals.
Fighting for the Right to Self-Determination (The Right to Self-Determination) for the people of Papua is the only democratic solution bid in Papua conflict resolution as a step to determine the attitude of the Papuan people live, what remain with Indonesia or independence itself. Through international mechanism known as Referendum. And must be fought continuously by the entire organization in a synergistic Papuan people's resistance in both the beloved country Papua, Indonesia and the international community to the ideals of the Papuan People's Liberation True materialize. And the better future can be enjoyed by future generations of Papua.
What I have described above is a general view of the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) which has a resistance platform Indonesian Anti-Colonialism, Anti-Imperialism and Anti-Militarism. Derivatives in the program so that the struggle is the fight for the Right to Self-Determination (The Right to Self-Determination) for the people of Papua as a condition for the existence of democracy to the people of Papua, Close all imperialist activities of the company-owned; Freeport, BP, LNG, Medco, Corindo etc due to the fact just suck, and Pull Military (TNI-Police) Organic-inorganic from the Land of Papua as the source of human rights violations against the people of Papua.
Long live the Papuan People! Long live the Papuan Women! Long live the Papuan Students! Long live all over the Papuan People!
Keep the spirit of Greetings!
The author is Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of AMP (AMP KPP coriander)