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By: Rinto Kogoya

"This paper reinforces the attitude of the Organization for the Alliance of Papuan Students [AMP] which rejected the idea to solve the Papuan issue with the dialogue, so that the basic reason we refuse to have a logical and rational"

I direct the course outline why organizations, AMP firmly rejected the idea of ​​dialogue that is being driven by the Papua Peace Network (JDP) and were eventually joined by the Governor of Papua, Luke Enembe are also hoping for a dialogue with the Central government. But according to Luke, said the dialogue should be changed to a more refined word.

First, why AMP rejected the idea of ​​dialogue is driven by the Papua Peace Network (JDP) under DR coordinator Fr. Neles Tebay, Pr. The idea of ​​this dialogue came after a long time struggling for the Papuan people demand independence. And is regarded as one of the Papuan problem-solving solutions. In addition to other democratic solution championed by organizations such as the Papuan resistance Self-Determination Rights through referendum and recognition mechanism by Indonesian Sovereignty.

According to JDP, prolonged conflict in Papua because of several factors essential issues, including; Papuan Political History of the Act of 1969 Incomplete, Violations of Human Rights (HAM), Injustice Builders and marginalization. In contrast to AMP who see fundamental problems in Papua due; Indonesian Colonialism, Imperialism and Militarism. Certainly different championed solutions for resolving the problems of Papua.

In our opinion, what is raised by JDP is a thesis or doctoral dissertation is trying to be a problem-solving guide, not a result of a sharp and deep analysis about Papua. Why is that? This is because in looking at the history of Papua JDP just rests on the implementation of the Act of 1969 and are not extensively from the early or mid 1960s or earlier years where the initial process of the Papua People's National Identity born.

In addition to the political history of Papua, human rights violations became the focus issue for the JDP. So that human rights issues should be a part of a dialogue. Actually what is expected by JDP? To fight for the human rights of the Papuan people? I ask one question, how many of the human rights violators are brought to justice by the Indonesian courts and the results are really giving a sense of justice for the people of Papua? Especially for Indonesia, those who do the human rights violations are considered "Heroes". All court against violators of human rights in Papua mere formality on the table trial, to show that Indonesia is to appreciate human rights of the Papuan people. In our opinion, human rights violations is the effect of an occupation or colonization were made ​​by Indonesia to maintain its hegemony over Papua. So, to stop the occurrence of human rights violations, the Papuan people to live independent and free from of an occupation that is being done by the Indonesian.

Two other matter that is injustice and marginalization of development is also a focus of the JDP in dialogue concepts offered. Back we affirmed, that the colonial will always dominate the region both economically colonized political and social culture. Colonial always hamper the progress in all aspects of life of the people in the colonized areas. Expect any progress in development and not marginalized the Papuan people are expecting something impossible.

So back to the interpretation of each, namely Papua was part of the Indonesia or areas colonized or colonized by Indonesia? If the part of Indonesian Papua, and expect any improvement of welfare, then that should be fought is the transformation of the manufacturing industry of basic needs (food, clothing and shelter) people-centered other parts of Indonesia such as Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi to Papua. Born a new question, what would it be done by Indonesia, especially the owners of capital? Obviously it is something that is impossible because the industry is always in need of markets and labor, and Papua is not a profitable market in terms of the number of people that exist today compared to other areas in Indonesia especially the willingness of labor.

The explanation above related concepts offered by dialogue with the JDP are expressly rejected by AMP. In addition to the rejection of the concept of dialogue, the lack of understanding between the resistance organization in Papua dialogue pros and cons of the dialogue will be a boomerang for the people of Papua. How the military wing of the Independence movement Papua TPN-PB which explicitly rejects compromise forms such as dialogue? I think the Team 100 in 1999 has also stages a dialogue with Indonesia, which produces OTSUS by Indonesia is considered as a solution and not for the people who want the independence of Papua.

Secondly, why AMP strongly rejected the idea of ​​dialogue promoted by the Governor of Papua, Luke Enembe? From what is expressed by Luke Enembe that not a word of dialogue but modified with the more subtle, mean? And the dialogue is conducted with regard to welfare. This indicates that Luke wants to present as a figure of "Heroes oversleep" for the people of Papua. In addition, show that Luke does not understand the mechanism of the bureaucracy under his control. Is not there another way to take care of the welfare of the people of Papua? such as; consultation meeting or a meeting or with a more refined word "discussion" with the bureaucracy on top of the central government to discuss how to address the welfare problems in Papua.

In our opinion, the presence or absence of dialogue between the Papuan provincial governments and the central government will not change the resistance of the people of Papua escalation. Because, both the provincial government of Papua and the central government bureaucracy is a series that is currently being invaded Papua.

I feel it is important to explain how colonialism and Indonesia persists in Papua. Colonialism is a "policy and practice of strength in extending control over weaker peoples or areas". Colonialism always had an arrogant and expansionist nature. The main aim of colonialism was to drain the source of wealth, while the welfare and education of the people of the colonies, not preferred. Of understanding and purpose is clear that Papua was colonized by Indonesia in. Indonesian colonialism took place in Papua through the bureaucratic machine, the electoral political system and the placement of military (military-police). Bureaucracy in Papua is now an extension or executor of the Indonesian colonial government bureaucracy. Bureaucracy and political system as its goal to strengthen the legitimacy of the election of political power over Papua Indonesia. Thus, it is important to promote awareness of how people of Papua Indonesia Colonialism took place in Papua, Papuan people to then be able to determine their political attitudes.

Naturally AMP not only refused, Self-Determination Rights (The Right to Self-Determination) for the people of Papua is a democratic solution which we can resolve the issue of Papua. As what was said by the Rev.. I.S. Kijne on October 25, 1925 in Wasior-Manokwari "Upon this rock I put the people of Papua, even if people have high intelligence, reason and marifat but can not lead this nation, this nation will rise up and lead themselves". AMP also have confidence that the people of Papua can lead themselves and can live with a prosperous, equitable, democratic and dignified if Papua Merdeka.

Finally, we call on all organizations Papuan resistance to eliminate the ego and faksisme and together fight for Papuan People's Liberation straight for the better future of Papua.


The author is Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of AMP [coriander LTO AMP]

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