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Culture Day held in West Papua, Papua New Guinea

West Papuan dancers on stage
A historic West Papuan Cultural Day was held yesterday in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, which was organized by the West Papua UPNG Student and was also attended by members of the Free West Papua Campaign -PNG. This national day of West Papua in PNG has been officially recognized by the government of Papua New Guinea and the National Capital District Commission.
Activities today
The event takes place 9: 00-06: 00 and held at Constitution Park in the district of Waigani city. Many people attended Culture Day which showcased the various cultures of West Papua from right across the country, further increasing the importance of solidarity and awareness of West Papua from PNG. Activities at the event included traditional dancing, face painting and musical performances. The stalls are also set up, sell merchandise related to West Papua.
Below is a video report today with the news of the Papua New Guinea national EMTV
A historic West Papuan Cultural Day was held yesterday in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, which was organized by the West Papua UPNG Student and was also attended by members of the Free West Papua Campaign -PNG. This national day of West Papua in PNG has been officially recognized by the government of Papua New Guinea and the National Capital District Commission.
Activities today
The event takes place 9: 00-06: 00 and held at Constitution Park in the district of Waigani city. Many people attended Culture Day which showcased the various cultures of West Papua from right across the country, further increasing the importance of solidarity and awareness of West Papua from PNG. Activities at the event included traditional dancing, face painting and musical performances. The stalls are also set up, sell merchandise related to West Papua.
Below is a video report today with the news of the Papua New Guinea national EMTV
Internasional PNG musisi ternama George Telek juga hadir. Selalu pendukung vokal yang kuat dari perjuangan Papua Barat, Sir George sekali lagi menyanyikan lagu Gratis Papua Barat yang terkenal dan bergabung di atas panggung oleh mahasiswa Papua Barat. Musisi lain juga bermain di panggung termasuk Basil Greg, penyanyi PNG terkenal lain.