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Headlines News :

Vote West Papua for MSG

Salomon Star - Vote West Papua for MSG

West Papua for MSG

Dear Editor – My good people of Solomon Islands, I write to appeal to you all to render your support for our Melanesian brothers and sisters of West Papua by calling on our Prime Minister and his government to cast their vote in support of their application to be a member of Melanesian Spearhead Group come this June.

West Papua is the western half of the Island of Papua New Guinea, however is under the regime of Indonesia under a UN hosted rigged referendum.

Ever since our Melanesia brothers and sisters continue to live under repression and suffer under the oppressive hands of Indonesian militaries.

For years the people of West Papua have tried to fight for their independence, only to be met by torture, murder, rape and genocide.

No foreign media is allowed to enter West Papua to share with the world these horrific happening inflicted on the populace of West Papua.

United States of America and Australiaare turning blind eyes and deaf ears to the plight of our Melanesian people, because they have a vested interest by operating mining on the rich resourced West Papua.

Some of us are privileged to meet some of the leaders of West Papua liberation movements who were here to seek our government’s support behind their application to be a member of MSG.

Their immediate hope of becoming a member of MSG depends very much on our Prime Minister and his Foreign affairs minister’s vote this June.

 Joining MSG will greatly give advantage to our brothers and sisters on their fight to be recognised and heard by the outside community.

As we all know, Indonesia will not allow this to happen, as a result they too iare seeking our government’s vote at MSG to recognize them instead of West Papua.

As a Melanesian, and not Indonesian, I wish to rally your support to call on our Melanesia government to vote for the Melanesian nation of West Papua, and not Indonesia.

Stop human rights abuse. Stop Genocide. Vote West Papua.

If you have access to facebook, please join our Solidarity for West Papua group page. Merdeka to West Papua.

Izzy Nori
West Papua Advocator
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