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Situation lately in Manado were not conducive we're concerned with what's going on, ranging from p
Brother sister minahasa one heart, realize far we've done the efforts of the central government in brackets (Java) dwarf the efforts attempt to stand for the Minahasa people rise up, ranging from the history they are spoofing, our educational Balance the sebenrnnya not in the center where they are developing two fold of minahasa kini.kalau era you are unsure please you do some research and see if we lie
Why we must unite, jawabanyan simple or simple want to carry it the fate of our tribe minahasa? Want to become lackeys jawir kah? Its just stand behind the retainer retainer jawiri in parliament? Scary for jawir and the Islamic paramilitary army of unity occurs when there is word on the ground Malesung, why is that ?? What is the purpose of this post ?? So this long ago when union occurs in the soil minahasa pressure critical pressure in posing for the rulers jawir in posing insistent barrage that makes jawir uncomfortable with the Minahasa, in tamba again the government is more inclined in favor of dogma dogma of Islamization from the law until the law rules applicable rules as citizens what it is namannya Pancasila, the Christian majority areas tend to be neglected in many underdeveloped areas contohnnya brother just some of us are not aware of or perhaps deliberately made unconsciously.
Brother minahasa friend, whether you know where the beginning of the beginning pana Wayer back flare up again awalnnya bukannnya in Tuminting? Tuminting that many areas inhabited anyone ?? You answer it themselves, and then spread, from which we studied here reportedly believe there was an intruder who live in Tuminting which then spread now claimed the Minahasa. Be careful !!! In intinnya we must come together for whatever reason only unity that can move us forward again only unity that can lift minahasa dignity back. Remember our ancestors already exemplifies an organization that does not fade prehistoric times by the time that Mapalus.
Berikutnnya we must be smart in choosing future leaders, we must lift that is concerned with the customs, culture, and religion, must be 100% representing minahasa
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