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INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Demo & Protest

PERTH – Free West Papua Campaign base in Perth, Western Australia calls Indonesian government for immediate release of French journalists Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat who were arrested by the Indonesian police for being in West Papua.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

YOGYAKARTA – The Alliance Student of West Papua (AMP-International) and AMP consulate Yogyakarta held a protest to free the French journalists Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat who have been detained by Indonesian police since (06/08/2014) this month in West Papua.
Aug 26, 2014, 10:35 War on Terror : State Terrorism

SORONG – Martinus Yohamme a Chairman of the KNPB in Sorong has been found dead who was missing two days ago. He was kidnapped and murdered by Indonesian special security force.
Aug 26, 2014, 10:19 War on Terror : Indo Militia
Missing chairman of KNPB is murderd by Indonesia
It brings us grief to learn that Martinus Yohamme, the KNPB Chairman in Sorong who two days ago we reported was missing, has been found dead after suspected members of the Indonesian security forces kidnapped and murdered him. Visit Website ]

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

AUSTRALIA – Free West Papua Campaign member base in Perth, Australia playing music and singing a song to raising awareness about Indonesia illegal occupation and genocide in West Papua on the street with his greatest talent trough the music last week in Australia.

SORONG - West Papuan National Commitee (KNPB) Sorong region leader has been kidnapped by Indonesian Special Forces, simply for speaking out against the Indonesian occupation of his country.
Martinus Yohame, the West Papua National Committee [KNPB] Chairman in Sorong, went missing on 20th August after holding a press conference he day before, where he and other members of the KNPB condemned the Indonesian occupation of West Papua.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

LONDON – Free West Papua Campaign UK, with British Friend’s, Kanaky Friend, Papua New Guinean Friend join protested in London yesterday to REJECT the "New York Agreement 1962" as well as we are demanding to the Indonesia government to RELEASE two France journalists, Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat immediately, in custody Jayapura, West Papua.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

NETHERLANDS – Free West Papua Campaign Netherlands protested in The Hague, Netherlands yesterday to REJECT the "New York Agreement" which illegally handed West Papua to Indonesia on 15th August 1962 without consultation from any Papuan.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

PERTH Western Australia - Free West Papua Campaign Perth Australia holds a demonstration outside the US Embassy to asking the US government involvement on the “New York Agreement 1962” whereas USA sell out West Papua to Indonesia because Freeport interest (one of second biggest gold mining company own by USA government), on Friday, 15th August 2014 yesterday, in Perth City, Western Australia.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

AUSTRALIA - Free West Papua campaign, Tasmania, Australia join protest of injustice had been done by America, Netherlands and Indonesia whereas sold West Papua to second colony which the Indonesia colonial.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

YOGYAKARTA – AMP International protest on 15 August, 2014 remembering DAY of BETRAYAL for people of West Papua by America, Netherlands, and Indonesia made agreement is called “New York Agreement 1962 without any West Papuan. AMP International base in Yogyakarta, Indonesia reject and refuse the “New York Agreement 1962”, because It was under heavy surveillance from Indonesian intelligence and police, who regularly abduct and torture West Papuan activists, people defiantly protested to reject the New York agreement.
Aug 16, 2014, 05:15

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

MERAUKE – KNPB and West Papua Parliament Merauke Regency (PRD) Protest today 15 August, 2014, in Merauke, West Papua. West Papuan people of Merauke reject and refuse the New York Agreement 1962. Under heavy surveillance from Indonesian intelligence and police, who regularly abduct and torture West Papuan activists, people defiantly protested to reject the New York agreement.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

PORT NUMBAY – KNPB and GEMPAR protested to reject of the “New York Agreement 1962” in front of the University, where Indonesian police arrested 10 and detained them. Deputy Head of Jayapura police Kiki Kurnia forces dispersed a peaceful protest of Papuan students join together with KNPB and (Gempar) on Friday (15/08/2014) in Jayapura.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

SURABAYA – AMP Consulate Surabaya protested “New York Agreement 15th August 1962” was ILLEGAL and we condemns America, Netherlands sold out West Papua to the second colonial which Indonesia. Therefore, the Alliance Student of West Papua (AMP International) consulate Surabaya demanding to the international communities, “Self-determination is the solution for West Papua. The protest took place in Surabaya, East Java province in Indonesia.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

MANADO – West Papuan Students who is studied in North Sulawesi (Manado) protested outside of Parliament building on August 15th 2014 in North Sulawesi, and have a peaceful protested to commemorating the New York Agreement were made between the United States, the Netherlands, the United Nations, and Indonesia with a hidden agenda to rob the natural resources (business interest first places) of Papua and wipe out Black Melanesian race. That agreement was the beginning of the bloodshed and human rights violations in West Papua.

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