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Free West Papua News Online

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INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Demo & Protest
LONDON – Today on 2nd September 2014, the Free West Papua Campaign solidarity with British friends, Papua New Guinean friend hold the protest outside the Indonesian Embassy in London, United Kingdom on 2nd September 2014, to demand justice after the murder of West Papuan independence leader, Martinus Yohame (20/08/2014) by Indonesian special forces (Kopasus, Kostrad with Detachment Anti-Terrorist Unit 88).

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

TASMANIA – Free West Papua Campaign (Perth, Australia) up and down the grassroots to seeking help and raising awareness regarding Indonesian Special Forces kidnapped, and killed Chairman of the KNPB, Martinus Yohame who have been killed on 20th August 2014 last month. Groundswell Tasmania community invited Free West Papua Campaign – Perth, Australia to give a talk concerning of injustice in West Papua today (2/9/2014) in Tasmania, Australia

Benny Wenda’s Statement on murder of Papuan leader Martinus Yohame

A public statement from Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Free West Papua Campaign founder, Benny Wenda

Dear friends, supporters and fellow Papuans.

It brings me great sadness to learn that last week, our dear friend and brother, Martinus Yohame was found murdered after being kidnapped by the Indonesian security forces in West Papua. Visit Website ]

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

DOUARNENEZ- Benny Wenda, Oridek Ap, Leonie Tanggahma, and Free West Papua Campaign (Netherlands) members attending at the second days of Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez as well as give a talk about injustice in West Papua on Saturday, 30th August 2014 in Douarnenez, France today.

DOUARNENEZ- Benny Wenda with Free West Papua Campaign (Netherlands) attending at the Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez debate about West Papua, specific topics of: Integration, acculturation or colonization on Friday, 29th August 2014 in Douarnenez, France yesterday.

Benny Wenda Attending and Spreading the messages at the Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez in France

DOUARNENEZ- Benny Wenda with Free West Papua Campaign (Netherlands) attending at the Festival de cinéma de Douarnenez on (28th, 29th, 30th of August)debate about West Papua, specific topics of: Integration, acculturation or colonization. However, colonization topic mores interested them, and they asked Benny why West Papua is colonized and illegally occupied by Indonesia. Visit Website ]

INFO PAPUA : Editorial/ Opinion

Government should not turn blind eye to Indonesia's treatment of West Papuans, Senator Madigan says

Democratic Labour Party Senator John Madigan has urged the Australian government for not to turn a blind eye to Indonesia's treatment of the indigenous population of Papua province. Visit Website ]

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

TASMANIA – Free West Papua Campaign (Perth, Australia) tour raising awareness and playing music in Victoria Tavern Pub, 30 Murray St Hobart, Tasmania, Australia this week. After he played music on the street one week ago and more Australian citizen invited him to give talk about Indonesia illegal occupation and French journalist have been detained by Indonesian police just report about West Papua.

INFO PAPUA : West Papua News

JAYAPURA – Central Committee of KNPB announced to the people of West Papua to pay their respect and condolence to the leader of the KNPB Sorong (Martinus Yohame) and his family. We are mourning the loss of our KNPB militant who was murdered by the Indonesian government.

INFO PAPUA : Editorial/ Opinion

New Indonesian president offers hope for West Papua
Since its foundation as a modern state in the 1940s, Indonesia has been plagued by a series of conflicts that have threatened the dream of a united republic, inflicted grievous human rights violations and poisoned perceptions of the place, not least in Australia. In recent years, these have included independence movements in Timor-Leste, Aceh and West Papua and violent communal unrest in central Sulawesi. Visit Website ]

INFO PAPUA : Editorial/ Opinion

Missing West Papua leader Yohame found dead
Reports from West Papua say the body of a senior separatist leader, Martinus Yohame, has been found - six days after he was allegedly abducted in the Indonesian province. Visit Website ]

INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Talks & Shows

PORT MORESBY- Free West Papua Campaign-Papua New Guinea speaking on PNG's Tok Bek Radio Show on 26th August 2014 yesterday in Port Moresby. The following of the planning of the Free West Papua Campaign PNG take stand together solidarity with France journalist have been detained just for reporting Indonesia brutality and illegal occupation to the people of West Papua as part of the Melanesian race.

INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Demo & Protest

LONDON – Free West Papua Campaign (UK) solidarity with British friends, Kanaky friend have been protested for freeing French journalists Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat who have been detained by Indonesian police few weeks ago. The protest was taking place outside of Indonesian Embassy on Monday, 25th August 2014 in London, United Kingdom.

INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Demo & Protest

NETHERLANDS – Free West Papua Campaign Netherlands, Moluccas, and Dutch friends join protest and calls Indonesian government for immediate release of French journalists Thomas Dandois, and Valentine Bourrat. The protest took place outside of Indonesian Embassy Netherlands, Den Haag on Monday, 25th August 2014.

INFO PAPUA : Awareness : Demo & Protest

PORT MORESBY – Free West Papua Campaign PNG Chapter protested for freeing the French journalist Thomas Dandois and Valentine Bourrat, by Free West Papua Campaign (Papua New Guinea – Chapter) on Monday 25th August 2014 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

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